Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hi, are there any other Fessendens out there!  Cagie was hoping for lotsa  news when she joined the family blog.  I'll keep hoping.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hi everyone...ever since I posted my first blog I've been waiting to read about some new and exciting happenings.  Maybe I'm not on the right page!
I'm slowly adjusting to retirement.  I've joined an exercise group that meets three mornings a week and a card group ("May I"...does anyone play this game?) that meets every Monday afternoon.  I may become so busy that I will need to retire again!
I'm planning to spend Thanksgiving with the Swords...either here in Avon or on the Cape.
Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving...may there be no lumps in the mashed potatoes and may the gravy be HOT!   Marcia    11/17/13

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hi everyone...this is Marcia, sometimes referred to as Cagie.  I'm still experimenting with using the Fessenden blog so have no idea who might read this.  If it happens to be a relative. PLEASE let  me know...hopefully, I will be able to find your response.  Would appreciate hearing what's NEW with you.
  Martha, many thanks for inviting me to join the family this way.  Believe me, it's pretty hi-tech for my generation!
LOVE to all........