Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our Mitochondrial DNA

Bob and Chris Rath gave me a Christmas gift of being a participant in the National Geographic Genographic project. ( I swabbed my checks in early January and just now got around to checking the results. Since I am a female and have no Y chromosome only my maternal lineage (mitochondrial DNA) could be checked. Males can have both maternal and paternal lineage checked. So this is essentially Anne's maternal lineage and therefore the maternal lineage of the seven. So for all grandkids it makes up at least half of your paternal lineage. And the results: haplogroup J. Out of East Africa (where all humankind originated) our maternal ancestors eventually made it to northeastern Europe, where many haplogroup J are found today. Note--no surprises here! If you want to get a lot more science you can log to the above referenced site using my participant number: FW976TBV56. Happy trails to you..............

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! Just a little imagination and this gives me chills...
